
Quick updates

It is sometimes said that the holidays are the most wonderful time of the year. In order to enjoy it completely worry-free, we would like to draw your attention to a few things before you leave for your holiday destination. Read more

Think about your New Year's resolutions now and start the new year safely! We've created three posters with useful basic tips on how to avoid cyber attacks. Download them now for free and share them with colleagues if you wish. Or display them e.g. in the conference room, at the coffee machine or in the canteen! Or why not on the toilet? Then they will definitely be read. Read more

Some time ago we announced the news of our acquisition by ClearMedia. Today we go one step further and proudly present our new logo and accompanying branding. Read more

Microsoft Outlook Bookings with me

Microsoft Outlook Bookings with me
K-Force news / Must reads

Microsoft Outlook Bookings with me

Let others schedule a meeting online at a free moment

With “Bookings with me” your contacts can easily schedule a meeting or appointment with you via an online page. You can create custom meeting types to share with others so they can easily schedule time with you based on your availability and preferences. You will both receive an email confirmation and attendees can update or cancel scheduled meetings with .

In this short video (3’30”) you will learn quickly and efficiently how to do this.

Plus, this feature is included for free in your Microsoft 365 subscription!

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