
Quick updates

It is sometimes said that the holidays are the most wonderful time of the year. In order to enjoy it completely worry-free, we would like to draw your attention to a few things before you leave for your holiday destination. Read more

Think about your New Year's resolutions now and start the new year safely! We've created three posters with useful basic tips on how to avoid cyber attacks. Download them now for free and share them with colleagues if you wish. Or display them e.g. in the conference room, at the coffee machine or in the canteen! Or why not on the toilet? Then they will definitely be read. Read more

Some time ago we announced the news of our acquisition by ClearMedia. Today we go one step further and proudly present our new logo and accompanying branding. Read more

New laptops at De Slaapadviseur

Laptops in leasing formula
K-Force news / Must reads

New laptops at De Slaapadviseur

The sleep of the employees De Slaapadviseur has improved thanks to 16 brand new laptops!

All laptops were delivered in record time and have exactly the same configuration and (security) software installed. As such, the employees all have a perfectly working device, with all their tools on it as of delivery.

The sleep consultants in the 4 locations use these devices in the showroom to help customers with e.g. price simulations or to show product (variations). Thanks to the handy touch screens and high battery capacity, they can now easily swipe through all windows throughout the whole working day.

Quickly provide your employees with a ready-to-use workstation? Request your quote for a personalized proposal using the form below.

We also offer very attractive lease formulas. By leasing your hardware, you can quickly benefit of new equipment, without the need for an important immediate investment. Be sure to inquire about the possibilities! Furthermore, depending on the formula you choose, replacements, support, Office license, backup, and antivirus are included in one fixed monthly fee.

Speaking of a good night’s sleep: did you know that sales are still on until the end of January at De Slaapadviseur? View all promotions here:

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