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It is sometimes said that the holidays are the most wonderful time of the year. In order to enjoy it completely worry-free, we would like to draw your attention to a few things before you leave for your holiday destination. Read more

Think about your New Year's resolutions now and start the new year safely! We've created three posters with useful basic tips on how to avoid cyber attacks. Download them now for free and share them with colleagues if you wish. Or display them e.g. in the conference room, at the coffee machine or in the canteen! Or why not on the toilet? Then they will definitely be read. Read more

Some time ago we announced the news of our acquisition by ClearMedia. Today we go one step further and proudly present our new logo and accompanying branding. Read more

K-Force strengthens commercial support team

K-Force news

K-Force strengthens commercial support team

Service and a positive customer experience are some of our most important spearheads. In order to further optimize that service to our customers, we strengthened our customer support team with a new colleague. Jordan was trained in record time in August to be ready for the usually extra busy month of September (and the following months of course ?). In this short interview you can get acquainted.

What did you do before you joined K-Force?

I was a private driver in the office of Hilde Crevits and Wouter Beke. I mainly drove in the Brussels area. Before that I worked at Telenet in Aalst at the technical support service for business customers (1st line – all Telenet products such as mobile, telephony and sometimes internet & TV).

How did you end up at K-Force?

My job at Telenet really sparked my interest in IT. After my job as a private driver, I saw on LinkedIn – via my girlfriend’s connections – that you were looking for new colleagues. I ended up joining K-Force because I have a great interest in what you do and the way we work at K-Force is completely in line with my own vision.

What does your new job entail?

In my position as account manager I will initially help mainly Dutch-speaking customers with all their questions about IT. In parallel, I will follow a lot of training courses, specifically about (cloud) telephony solutions at K-Force, so that I can become the all-round partner of my customers for Cloud, IT and also telecom.

What is important to you in your job?

I am a social person and I value personal contacts. A job in which I can be among people and where I am not alone in a closed room all day is very important to me. On the other hand, after a busy day at work, I can enjoy some “me-time” on the road in the car. So this all matches with my new position!

What keeps you busy in life?

In the first place, of course, love, friendship, and family.

My hobbies are soccer and gaming. I played soccer at the former club Denderzone Pamel. Sometimes I skate too. Skating and soccer are now a thing of the past and they now happen sporadically. Because of corona I started gaming again. I used to do this competitively. My favorite games are Call of Duty and Valorant.


Are you not going to miss the drives in and around Brussels too much? ?

No not at all! (laughs) – maybe the rides in the center of Brussels a bit, but the ones around Brussels certainly not. You’re stuck in traffic all the time. For seasoned drivers, there are still some options in the center of Brussels to try and avoid the traffic jams, which made it a bit more fun.


We wish Jordan a warm welcome and good luck! We believe it’s a pleasant first acquaintance, and we hope you will find so too.

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