
Quick updates

It is sometimes said that the holidays are the most wonderful time of the year. In order to enjoy it completely worry-free, we would like to draw your attention to a few things before you leave for your holiday destination. Read more

Think about your New Year's resolutions now and start the new year safely! We've created three posters with useful basic tips on how to avoid cyber attacks. Download them now for free and share them with colleagues if you wish. Or display them e.g. in the conference room, at the coffee machine or in the canteen! Or why not on the toilet? Then they will definitely be read. Read more

Some time ago we announced the news of our acquisition by ClearMedia. Today we go one step further and proudly present our new logo and accompanying branding. Read more

Tips for (partially) absorbing the wage index

Tips for (partially) absorbing the wage index
K-Force news

Tips for (partially) absorbing the wage index

As an employer, you are all too aware: an unprecedented wage indexation awaits us in January in response to historically high inflation. Needless to say, many business owners are not looking forward to this: payroll costs would increase by about 10%, and your employees will only keep a fraction of that. Moreover, this certainly does not mean that sales or efficiency will automatically increase in the same proportion.

At K-Force, we try to see this as an opportunity to optimize a number of things within our company. Ranging from reviewing certain costs to increasing efficiency. In the field of IT and telecom, we naturally have years of experience ourselves. Therefore, we’d like to share some tips from our specialties to help your company clear this hurdle as best it can.

IT audits


We offer several types of audits, but the starting point is always to look at your organization’s specific situation and needs. No general theories and principles, but to the point advice you can get started with. Or we even perform (minor) optimizations on the spot.

360° analysis

We’ll kick in an open door right away: when have you had another IT audit done? IT is evolving at lightning speed, and in the meantime there are probably a lot of things you could use to improve efficiency and processes in general, without too much effort.

Using a free 360° analysis, our experts look at how you operate and what tools and hardware you could use to increase efficiency and security throughout your organization.

Extra tip: A network audit followed by a possible cleanup is a relatively small, one-time investment. But it does greatly increase efficiency when problem solving or if work needs to be done.

In-depth: quick fixes, tips & tricks

With mass hybrid working, we see that employees sometimes become a bit disconnected and tips to work optimally are less shared among themselves. But we see this happening equally in the workplace. Employees so often have numerous tools at their disposal that they do not yet use, or do not use optimally. It also often happens that employees have been working with outdated devices for some time or are struggling with certain problems without reporting them. As a result, many hours are lost to individual problem solving, whereas such problems can sometimes be solved by adjusting a simple setting.


In this audit, a 3rd line systems engineer takes the time to make the rounds through your company. Employees get a chance to ask questions, but our engineers also think along at a high level with the case manager(s). We review workflows with a critical eye and make suggestions to increase efficiency. These visits are charged at the usual hourly rate. With a one-time and relatively limited audit cost, you will already gain several percent in efficiency!

Some random examples of activities, quick fixes, tips & tricks during such visits:

Show employees how to work more efficiently in their daily activities (eg key combinations;

An employee always prints single-sided because his printer is not set up for double-sided printing;

Set up email addresses to easily and quickly email scans;

See whether an API link can be made between two internal tools (e.g. invoicing and accounting);

Intelligent document management;

Think along about implementing automation within your environment;

Structuring data with Power BI;

The latest tips & tricks about (Microsoft 365) apps;

Layout of a network topology;


Optimize your costs for IT support


Did you already know that at K-Force we have a support formula that includes all support – specific to the functioning of the environment? We offer this service with our full cloud environment. In addition, all employees enjoy priority treatment. In summary: fast and professional IT support for a fixed monthly fee per employee.

Going completely to the cloud is not always possible for a variety of reasons. That’s why we also offer other customized support agreements that include certain “blocks” and also prioritize your employees.

In any case, you know that thanks to our support service, your employees will be helped quickly and efficiently and have more time to do their jobs.

Gain 20% efficiency with IT training

Most companies work with Microsoft Office. But at the same time, only a fraction of the capabilities are often used. Especially in recent years, Microsoft has made very big strides in productivity. With our training courses, your employees get all the tips & tricks to work optimally with their daily office applications. Depending on the level of the participants, we can work out a customized proposal. Tip: We offer specific training on the topic of productivity.

Take advantage of the telecom revolution

Bellen met Microsoft teams inclusief telefooncentrale functies

Even in the world of telecom, e.g., mass homeworking has caused a landslide. Thanks to the most optimal telephony solutions in the cloud, you also contribute greatly to increased efficiency within your company. Unlimited calls to the company number from anywhere via your smartphone or computer, integral call forwarding to colleagues and internal communication via video, phone or chat: nowadays it is all possible in one program.

Additionally, it pays to revisit your existing solution every 2 to 5 years (depending on your contract) for potential savings. We guide our clients in this, with expertise. As an independent partner, we look at the real needs, not the products a telecom provider wants to sell.

Hardware – Purchase process


Need new laptop, desktop, printer, or other? Ask us! We know what to consider to ensure that your employees will be able to work smoothly with the ordered equipment. Perhaps you are not an expert, and then we sometimes see things being ordered that are inadequate or just too performant. Or that things are not compatible, due to an incorrectly ordered adapter, for example. And that’s a waste of both time and budget. So feel free to place this responsibility on us. We also make your device ready to use right away, so your (new) employee can get started right away.

Extra tip: preventively build your human firewall


Not immediately efficiency-enhancing, but certainly not insignificant. If you are investing in IT security today, of course. But it is also sometimes an employee who clicks on the wrong link, opens an unsafe attachment or worse, enters payment or login information on a rogue website. So people also pose a threat to the integrity of (company) data, not to mention the costs that can be involved in recovering data. Using, yes, efficiently deployable phishing simulations with interactive cybersecurity education and powerful Threat Intelligence, we reduce phishing risks up to 96% without any manual intervention.

We could make this article much longer and more detailed, but that would take us a bit too far. Do you have questions? Ask them of us. This topic concerns everyone, so feel free to share this article with your network as well.

Our team of account managers is ready to help you

Christian K-Force Computer Solutions


Jordan K-Force Computer Solutions


Jurgen K-Force Computer Solutions


Didier K-Force Computer Solutions


Jean-Marc K-Force Computer Solutions


Kaj K-Force Computer Solutions


Kurt Everaerts K-Force Computer Solutions


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